
Little voice counselling
Teresa Brown

Sometimes in life we can find ourselves feeling lost, lonely, confused, anxious or depressed – no one is immune! In order to move through the difficult times, we can all benefit from paying attention to our feelings and trying to unravel and understand our own inner processes - this is where it would be my absolute privilege to help you!


Hi there and thank you for visiting my website. I’m Teresa – I have worked as an integrative counsellor for 6 years following 3 years training. My approach in counselling is largely person centred which means that the focus is on you (the client) and your presenting needs, feelings, thoughts and processes - as a whole being. Within this framework I use different theories and approaches to suit you and your presenting needs and preferences.

Experience has taught me that people access counselling for a wide variety of reasons and there are different levels of counselling to compliment those reasons. You might be seeking a listening ear to ‘offload’ and share your experiences, thoughts and feelings in the hope of shifting some of the negative energy that you may be experiencing, you may require a deeper psychotherapeutic approach rooted in the past and involving some deep core emotions - or you may be seeking support to make changes in your life and to find inner peace. Whatever the reason for seeking counselling, it is a strong & positive step towards inner peace, contentment and an improved quality of life.

Life is a journey – a unique journey that is yours and yours alone – only you have experienced your journey and there may be bumps and bends and wrong turnings that you are yet to understand. Sometimes the road ahead looks dark, scary or unsure, or there might be a hidden road that looks tempting or exiting. Whatever your journey looks like it would be a privilege to be on that journey with you, helping you to navigate your way through the past the present and into the future, so it is important that we can focus on working together to help you to emerge more empowered, and in control of you. I use empathy, listening, relaxation, mindfulness, breathing techniques, creativity, exploration, curiosity and challenging to help clients to find the parts within themselves that will foster this growth.

‘You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf’ – Kabat-Zinn

About me

I qualified as a nurse in 1994 and worked in general medicine for 5 years. During this time, I found myself strongly drawn to the psychological, emotional and social care of people with life limiting illnesses and their families. I followed this drive and worked as a nurse/sister in palliative and cancer care for 15 years which gave me a wealth of experience working with and caring for people with many physical, social and emotional issues as well as psychological distress at different levels including self-esteem, body image, relationships, decision making, anticipatory grief and change management. I left nursing at 40 years old to follow a career in counselling. I have always been passionate about people, their individuality and how relationships can inform our sense of self and our functioning. I have always considered myself privileged to be entrusted with such powerful encounters and I treat all client information, exchanges and experiences as such - with confidentiality, empathy and complete congruence. I am quickly able to foster and develop a therapeutic, respectful and trusting relationship with my clients using a non-judgmental and inclusive approach which I find is central to the ability for growth and progression on an individual's journey. I am a great believer that by working with people to activate their inner strength and innate abilities, then they can harness their own ability for control, growth and empowerment.

I live with my partner and my fabulous teenage daughter who never fails to amaze me with her calm, caring and honest approach to life. Not forgetting our two lovely Lhasa Aspos, Jessie & Luna!


  • I qualified with an advanced diploma in psychotherapeutic counselling with Chrysallis in 2016 and I am fully insured
  • Counselling skills certificate 2014
  • Diploma in hypnotherapy 2014
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy diploma - March 2024 (Lindum college)
  • Children & young persons counselling diploma - March 2012 (Lindum college)
  • Diploma in online counselling with OCST (100 hours study) accredited by Association of counsellors and therapists online
  • 10 week mindfulness based stress reduction course. I am building my own mindfulness practice to use within therapy.
  • TA 101 – transactional analysis study days
  • I completed the cruse bereavement course in 2017
  • I have completed numerous safeguarding and communication study days
  • I am DBS checked
  • I keep up to date with CPD - currently online workshops, usually face to face study days including rape and abuse, shame, trauma, domestic abuse, attachment, nutrition and CBT among others.

What I work with

I have a proven track record working with bereavement, long term illness support & that of careers and relatives, which is something that I can offer in abundance within my counselling role. Alongside this I have experience in helping clients to work & move forward through -

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Abuse
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Bullying
  • Depression
  • Self esteem & self worth
  • Confidence
  • Shame
  • Anger & guilt
  • Self harm
  • and many others besides

Please contact me to discuss you own unique needs and concerns.


My fee is £35.00
per session (60 min)

Little Voice Counselling Agreement

  • My approach in counselling is non-judgemental, non-biased honest and empathic. I use an integrative approach which means I will tailor any responses or actions in counselling to your presenting needs. This offers a safe and trusting environment for you to explore your own unique thoughts, feelings and needs with personal freedom and support.

  • I provide a safe, private & confidential counselling service that is tailored to your individual needs. The exceptions to confidentiality are my own professional supervision, any client expression of Risk of harm to self or others – in which case I would discuss with you (client), GP & other appropriate person as indicated. A disclosure of child abuse and acts of terrorism will also be reported to appropriate agencies.

  • If you are feeling unwell with a sore throat, cold, cough or flu symptoms please contact me and we can arrange another session date or continue online via zoom.

  • I do take notes, however these are kept in a locked filing cabinet in line with confidentiality.

  • I charge £35 per session for adults and for children. Adult counselling sessions are 1 hour long, some circumstances may require longer, we will agree on timing of sessions following your assessment. Any sessions longer than 1 hour will be charged accordingly.

  • Under 18’s sessions are 50 mins long.

  • In the event that you need to cancel a session please give 48hrs notice due to availability of slots. On the day cancellations or non-attendance will incur the full session fee. Emergency situations will be taken into consideration and may be non-chargeable.
  • I am a registered member of the National Counselling Society and the National Hypnotherapy Society - I adhere by their code of ethics.

    I look forward to working with you!



    My premises is at my home in Long Sutton - a lovely little market town on the Lincolnshire/Norfolk/Cambridgeshire border – just 25 miles from the beautiful Norfolk coast.

    The premises are disabled friendly and fully accessible, there are toilet facilities for client use on site.

    I am currently working online over zoom due to Covid 19, which has opened up new opportunities within the counselling world – where previously I would only see people in my location and who could travel to my premises, covid has provided a platform to learn and become comfortable with new ways of working, offering the ability to reach a wider community.

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